Firm/Studio Name
Degasi Architecture
How did you come up with the name of your studio?
It’s an amalgamation of alphabets from the names of my loved ones.
What determined your passion for design? Tell us about the moment when you decided this is the way to go.
I was always passionate about spaces and it’s orientation and transformation as a kid. Post schooling is when the term architecture itself came as an epiphany for me. That’s exactly when I knew that’s my preordained path.
What kind of projects were you doing when you first started as a designer?
Residential interiors
What field of design are you most interested in?
Any design that gives me a scope to transform the space completely and give the users the feel of unmitigated elation.
What is your favourite book/magazine on design? How about your favourite site?
Inside And elledecor
What is your Signature Style?
Bringing in nature and making it a close reflection of my client’s personality as much as possible.
What inspires you to thrive in this industry? Which piece of architecture inspires you the most.
Nature-inspired me and still inspires me. Every small leaf also tells me a story of God’s creativeness.
From your point of view, is design an art or a science?
Design is a profound art that needs the backup of science as well for ergonomics and better functionality.
If you had no limits (money, resources), what would you create?
The self-sustainable township where every house would be a masterpiece and all would be too proud of their own habitat while curious to explore the neighbourhood as well. In, around and in total loaded with nature and organic vegetation in abundance.
What advice do you have for young designers or architects reading this interview?
Just follow your heart. Design is a very powerful weapon entrusted in an Architect’s hand, use it creatively and wisely for the well being, good and comfort of mankind without harming our mother nature