Firm/Studio Name
Flyingseeds design studio Pvt. Ltd.
How did you come up with the name of your studio?
The Name ‘flyingseeds’ came into existence as a notion much before starting up the Studio, one fine day introspection. Stayed as a realization and kept evolving as a philosophy until it could be called the name of the start-up Architectural Studio based in Delhi.
What determined your passion for design? Tell us about the moment when you decided this is the way to go.
The very first architectural creation back in college, when experienced the process of transformation of a mere idea in a sketch to a completely functional scaled-down physical 3d model, communicating the expressions infused through design analogies while developing it wall by wall.
The idea to test my own waters and explore the immense possibilities in architecture was budding while started working as an associate architect.
What kind of projects were you doing when you first started as a designer?
1. Extension of a Small residence in a very dense settlement in Delhi where the focus was the development of a backyard lawn into a tiny fruit-bearing orchard and opening the house towards it. (built)
2. Proposal for a Large scale Multi-activity Highway facility ‘FunDera’ where Food was allied with an adventure through architecture. (Unbuilt)
What field of design are you most interested in?
The architecture of course!
What is your favorite book/magazine on design? How about your favorite site?
There are many nowadays to name a few,
Archdaily, Dezeen, Designboom, World Architecture Community, Architectural Digest
What is your Signature Style?
Well, Its ever-evolving based on relevant profuse factors every project has to offer, However, May call it progressive contemporary architecture where we follow distinct perspectives to understand the real concerns connected to the deeper realms of people and place.
From your point of view, is design an art or a science?
Architecture happens When Art meets Science.
If you had no limits (money, resources), what would you create?
We wish to erase the ordeal in our cities today by Remaking and remodeling public community buildings/places with thoughtful good design spaces catering to the growth of all the strata of society regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, age, or socio-economic level.
What advice do you have for young designers or architects reading this interview?
I believe, no design is as challenging as an architect trying to make it for himself. One has to be able to take up each challenge, irrespective of the scenarios influencing it. You must be ready to make decisions that are seemingly difficult, but at the same time ensuring that they do not compromise on the values and ideas which led them to start practicing in the first place. My advice to fellow aspirants would be – to know why you want to start this, as it initially pertains to a lot of compromises and ordeals.