Firm/Studio Name

How did you come up with the name of your studio?
I wanted to come up with something which shows inclusiveness yet defines me so I chose the word “v” for our design studio which is the initial of my name but it sounds as “we” which expresses inclusiveness. So yeah “v d’zign studio”.

What determined your passion for design? Tell us about the moment when you decided this is the way to go.
I think if I am part of something which involves “creation” that gives me a different kind of kick. Transforming a space from bare shell to finished product through your ideas is what we call holistically “creation” in our field of work. So a lot of ideas coming together and translating into a design that changes the way we look at spaces is what pushes me towards design.

Creation can come in many ways. In one of my initial works, our client wanted to put up an exclusive hanging fixture in the centre of a large seating area. He was not interested to buy it from any store and just hanging in there. So we have done our research and come up with an idea to make a hanging light fixture with linen fabric and acrylic sheets. We were happy and excited with our product which we have made in coordination with one of the fabricators. After installation client also loved it. It is only after six months we got to know that this product got very good demand in local market and our fabricator keep selling at-least 5-10 pieces a month by just showing those pictures of the installed product. It gave us a lot of confidence and made us understand the value of ORIGINAL. This was the moment that pushed me to invest in IDEAS. Pictures of the product are there on my INSTAGRAM account. Please visit the page and do let me know your thoughts.
What kind of projects were you doing when you first started as a designer?
Before I started as a full-time interior designer, I was very much into architectural projects only, which helped me, understood the way things get executed. It helped me technically in a big way how services (plumbing, electrical and air conditioning) are an integral part of this process. In process of developing those projects, we used to develop lobbies, sample flats, clubs and common areas of the project. It kind of got my liking and drew my attention towards the interior.

What field of design are you most interested in?
I am fascinated with everything which involves design. But I think I can contribute in a substantial way as an interior designer.

What is your favourite book/magazine on design? How about your favourite site?
I can’t say favourite but I do follow Ad (Architectural digest)

What is your Signature Style?
I am yet to define but I like to experiments with lines. Adding character, style, form, the pattern through lines in different materials fascinates me. It helps me keep it simple, elegant yet stylish.
What inspires you to thrive in this industry? Which piece of architecture inspires you the most.

As I said, my interest is in the luxury interior. There is a lot of scope and opportunity in this domain to experiment with creativity. Appropriate use of new materials, surface treatments, fabrics, furniture, metal, artwork, Murals brings a lot of freshness and uniqueness into the space which has not been explored till death yet.
I think I am very much fascinated with these new-age materials. These need to be explored enough in this segment to bring out the exclusivity.
From your point of view, is design an art or a science?
I remember my first day of the academic year wherein my professor said Architecture is Art + tech. i.e. art meets with technical aspects. It’s a rare combination but an impressive one.
In our field of work, we do want to get recognized as interior designers and not as interior decorators, unlike many celebrities.

If you had no limits (money, resources), what would you create?
New neighbourhood, new city, a new nation, new region, new planet… nahhh I would like to create my own dream home.

What advice do you have for young designers or architects reading this interview?
Differentiate yourself. Get advanced in technology. Keep learning and exploring. Fix something to keep up your confidence. Don’t get upset with a client who thinks he knows everything.