The last decade was all about cupboards and almirahs for storing clothes. But today with the emergence of wall attached wardrobes they have become a kind of personal space. They have come a long way from wooden ones to sleek, modular, stylish with different designs and materials.
The professionals can best suggest what is best for you with their education and expertise but what is best for you can only be said by you. So before designing a wardrobe one must ask basic questions to oneself about what kind of wardrobe do we need as these trends change every year and do they satisfy our requirements as with the coming time there is an increase in the capacity of storing clothes and accessories. So make sure you decide what amount of drawers, shelves do you need as this is something which cant be renovated with ever passing time.
Here are some of the wardrobe designs that can help you to build a perfect wardrobe.
Walk-in wardrobes

A walk-in wardrobe is one that looks spacious, well organized and even looks stylish. These wardrobe needs to be designed by the utmost attention if you want to use every minimal space of storage. No doubt they will make you feel luxurious and tucked away and will add an additional charm in your home design. But it even asks for a hefty price for you to spend in its construction.
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The sliding door wardrobe

These wardrobes give a modern touch to your living space. Due to the shrinking size of modern homes, these wardrobes are in demand as they don’t need a space to open and creates a free space for movement. You can design the interiors of the wardrobe according to your requirements and the expenditure on it depends upon the pattern or design you select.
An open view

Some people demand an open view of the wardrobe. But a closet without a door can make your clothes attracted to dust and make them shabby. But if you love an open wardrobe just add a glass door to it and install drawers, shelves, and hangers to keep it well ordered so it doesn’t become clumsy gives a distorted view from outside.
The classic wood

The wooden trend wardrobe has successfully marked its presence in the past era and is still continuing. You can embed the wardrobe with TV or give the wardrobe a corner without handles and create a beautiful wall that gives you an ample amount of space for keeping clothes, documents, and other important essentials. One can also add mirrors with it that can add beauty and functionality to the wardrobe. Looking for wardrobe ideas for a small room this is the best suitable and appropriate option.
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The multifunctional wardrobe

This is the wardrobe that one needs who wants to build a workspace at home and even desires for a spacious closet. All you just need is abundant space in your room and a specific section where you can have an adjustable and well-managed workspace cubicle along with drawers, shelves where you can store your clothes along with files. You won’t desire to leave this place as it is both comfortable and you have everything of your requirements within your hand.
Make sure one designs a wardrobe that is comfortable, stylish, requires less maintenance in this busy world as they are becoming important as other spaces in the house.